about me

Hi, I'm Dennis

I like to be out of my comfort zone…have always loved it I guess. Funny and interesting stuff happens outside of that zone. In the last 4 years I lived in Germany, Spain, Portugal and Denmark. I trained first responders in companies all over Germany, went on European Tour with Phil Collins, worked a month with AC/DC in Amsterdam, did some carpentry in the Swiss mountains and facilitated Breathwork Sessions in the Swedish forests...but let me give you the bigger picture.

After graduating and (back then mandatory in germany) civilian services I honestly had no clue what to do, so I worked first as a banker and then as a carpenter for some years each before I decided to become a professional firefighter and paramedic. Along the way I spent a lot of time travelling and involving myself in different projects. I gave lectures about marine mammals and guided respectful whale watch trips in the Strait of Gibraltar for a couple of summers, did 2months of development work with kids in Brazil and took part in an international exchange about sustainability in Nicaragua.

End of 2018 then, with my fair share of experiences I quit firefighting and the ambulance after nearly a decade of serving, bought a van and headed south.

I loved my job, but it also often felt like patching up a way bigger problem. I experienced so much stress, suffering, anxiety, depression and chronic illnesses…and that in a society so wealthy and high developed like no generation ever before. That really made me think and took me on a journey of exploring possible sources of that…which eventually became (what a surprise) a journey of self-development, letting go, growth and of course also some crazy hippie-stuff ;)

Breathwork entered my life in 2019 through a friend in Spain and keeps on amazing me since. After reading into and practicing it myself for a while I eventually crossed paths with Kasper van der Meulen from the Netherlands. After taking his online courses, I went to northern Holland for his Level2 Breathwork Professional Masterclass. It blew me away and a year later I came back for the Level3. He is an awesome teacher and human being and anyone who wanna dive deeper into Breathwork, Biohacking and the science behind it, I can highly recommend having a look at his Masterclasses.

I have always been fascinated by the human body and anatomy which made massages and bodywork a hobby for many years already. I had the pleasure to learn from therapists from Germany, Portugal, the Czek Republic and Thailand.

One thing became very clear to me along the way though: we as humans have lost connection. To each other, to the present moment, to mother nature and most of all: to ourselves! 

I believe my purpose is to become the most authentic and fullest expression of myself and to help others do the same.

Let´s walk each other home and

be kind! :)

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